
This writing is from a poet
That having betrayed
To his great love,
He falls prisoner of his pain:

Forgive me my lady
For being a simple man
That was dropped by his ambition,
Forgetting your heart

Forgive me for everything
My beloved woman
Because my heart
For a moment was unfaithful.

My soul is broken,
My mind is sick
For being a traitor
When looking at another.

My idolized,
I was clumsy when falling,
I was unable to resist
And now I regret, of not respecting you.

I was denied to you
Because my eyes were fixed on another
But my heart
It is in you because it adores you.

Forgive me for everything
For wanting to "play" 
I hurt you
And you stopped me wanting.

If you read this
It's because you still love me
And I want to tell you:
"I have to love you always my beloved lady."

The poet and the woman
would love each other
And they met
To be in love forever.


  1. Muy bien LSVM1!
    Bonitas letras, bella imagen. (Me puedes prestar algunas...?)
    PD: ¿Cuál es tú nombre...? LSVM1?


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