The best operas overtures for a girl like me.

First part.

By Laura Stephanie Villamil Martínez.

How to start? I really do not know! Hahaha. I have listened to so much classical music that I no longer know which is the best musical piece but something that I have listened to, with much attention and appreciation, are the beautiful works or pieces that open up to an even greater show: What we all know as operas overtures.
Here I only write a small part of what I think regarding great emotions that are at the beginning of many more written and / or composed by beings who were inspired by facts of their life or readings of other great teachers in literature and who helped " unintentionally ”to these composers to grow even more ...

1.      Overture CARMEN, George Bizet.

Pure blast by God! I sincerely believe that Bizet was happy, ecstatic, excited, etc. Because he wanted to express what he felt when writing this famous opera and when he started with an explosive, joyous, lively and fun overture, a spirit full of positivity and creativity that exploded in this opera was noted; not only with the overture, but also with his arias "Habanera", "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée" and "Toreador" is that he decided to do his best musical and operatic work.

I'm just saying that this overture is the best for an opera full of passion, romance, energy and pain.

2.      Overture THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

If there's one thing I agree with musical historians: Mozart was a child trapped in the body of an adult. A harmonious, playful melody, full of fun, magic, color and beauty through a vibrant, fast and exciting sound that even makes me smile remembering the adventures of Figaro for the mere fact of scolding his boss; Mozart described himself through his music as a childish being, some ridiculous, but who always found genius in everything he saw and heard. His intellect never rested despite being "an inner child" and that is reflected in this overture so full of fun, optimism, elegance and revolution (you know what I mean).

I will always want to hear this "boy" in this great opening.

3.      Overture THE BARBER OF SEVILLE, Gioacchino Rossini.

I keep saying the same thing: Rossini was the best composing operas bufas because he knew the type of music for these texts full of humor and everyday philosophy, he was a man who thought about the lives of others, took him to musicalize in a fun way and let others will enjoy it; With this overture he left that he was not as serious a composer as others, with this work he opened space for the opera buffa and took it to his altars.

Of course Mozart had left it open but Rossini left it very well put and he had also exposed his thought with this single overture: the most common can be shown in public and be applauded for it.

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  1. Rossini's William Tell's overture reminds me my childhood. Now I find Wagner's Tanhauser very profound.

    1. Les thèmes de Laura.: SOMBRAS DEL CORAZON: CUENTOS (Spanish Edition)


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