The great classic pieces for a young girl like me.

I never thought I would write things like that, I never thought I would write things like the best arias or the best pieces for someone like me, but listen and listen to music and think "why should I keep what I think?" These pieces led me to write this because fill me with emotions that I had never felt and that I did not know before that I could feel (including Overtures of operas). Beautiful angelic choirs, really elegant piano pieces, orchestra concerts that make me close my eyes to go to paradise and more. For now I will not say who are the best composers for me since each one has a style for music. Ninth Symphony (Neunte Sinfonie), Ludwig van Beethoven. The best for me without a doubt, the beginning of the poem is the delicious opening to a symphony that expresses a truly concentrated, emotional Beethoven, full of the most beautiful ideas, peaceful and human. This leads me to think about true peace in the world: that you tell me ...