domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

Ode to Joy (Ninth Symphony).

A true hymn!
A true composition!
because it reaches the deepest
of our hard heart.

At first a deep calm,
a clear sound of peace
Which leads us to think:
"I want my serenity."

Then the poem begins,
a severe change of feelings
that drive me crazy
and take me to a sudden commotion.

It is the true epic
of the life of this great composer,
he felt everything
and he wrote it out of love.

It is a song to the world,
It is an epicenter of what we are
because we must be
and so we will be the best.

I wish I could say more
of this great melody,
but I would be short
with this simple poem.

3 comentarios:

  1. Beethoven is the best of all.!
    Btw lovely blog:D If you want to follow each other blogs please come to my blog and tell me, ill follow you instantly!



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