Unglaubliche Stimmen

The most admirable voices for me, not only for their rank, but for the enthusiasm that was heard within them.

I feel that I hear the true spirit of the human being! this is only in the opera because I definitely love to write what I feel when I listen to it; beings who are admirable, who suffered and knew how to rise from it to be an example to others with their voice:

1. Maria Callas.

"The great lady of the opera," I say so because her voice has made this genre the most respectable of all and the most demanding. A deep delicacy, a loyalty to the character, a way of interpreting that said how strong and sensitive she was and, best, a person who never tired and who sang as much as he could.

2. Luciano Pavarotti.

If Maria Callas was "the great lady of the opera" then Pavarotti is "the great knight", a voice that, as they once said, "is heard very little today". His interpretations were always with an unparalleled strength (that voice power had, and it is serious) but at the same time reflected the tranquility of this great interpreter, more than anything, he made me like Nessun Dorma very much.

3. Plácido Domingo.

No one is better than he is today! He actually he currently continues to act and direct but, more than anything, captivating us with that great voice and that charisma in each character he has played and that leads me to think because he is one of the best of all time: power, tranquility and confidence, these are the feelings that transmit me his interpretations. The power of his voice in each one leads me to think that I am a spectator more smiling because I liked and I will stay with that smile for a good time.

4. Joan Sutherland.

"La Stupenda" that's what they said because of her melodious, soft and at the same time powerful soprano voice. She caught me and / or captivated her great interpretation of Violetta in "La Traviata" and that presentations with Pavarotti led me to write it on this list.

At the moment there are voices that I am pleased to hear and they make me smile, but there are not like these three voices; although I like many more, only these three have captivated me.

I say that there are hidden voices that hope to be found and "polished" to find great interpretations in the future; the truth I hope they leave so that they continue to delight our ears and make us smile even more.


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